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                Enterprise Video"

                Established on the 10 June 1999,the core business of Sunzo foundation engineering co.,ltd.(SUNZO)includes the installation of geosynthetic products in civil engineering and the construction industry.
                The company has grown leaps and bounds over the past 20 years, evolving from a small construction company to a renowned professional geosynthetic installer or a geosynthetic installation contractor. Today, we have a solid reputation as a PVD installer, geotextiles installer and geotubes installer.Our company has offices and branches in Malaysia,Singapore, Philippines,Thailand,Indonesia.
                Our team has undertaken several major projects, which include the Ground Treatment Singapore Changi Airport, Foundation treatment of Taiwan Plastic Steel Plant in Ha Tinh,Vietnam, Foundation Treatment of Damla Port,India etc. Our major installation work covers a wide range of soil improvement , such as Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD), Woven Geotextile and Non-woven Geotextile, Geogrid reinforced wall, Geocell erosion control system, river bank protection works, Geodykes,etc.
                SUNZO’s foundation solutions based on high performance ground improvement techniques, reinforce the soil. The manufacturing and installation of vertical wick drains is our core activity, but we do much more than that and can offer a complete range of ground improvement methods. We operate worldwide and offer solutions for projects of any size and complexity. "


                Quality oriented and trustworthy unit

                Safety Production License

                Show house of honest operation

                Quality Service Reputation

                First level foundation engineering

                Safety Production License

                Municipal Public Works Class III

                business license

                Environmental Management Certification

                Occupational Health and Safety Management Certification

                Quality Management System


                Our mission

                A century old foundation, once worked, forever fixed

                Corporate vision

                Sunzo Technology, Global Sharing

                Core value

                Professional, innovative, and environmentally friendly

                Major events

                The company was officially established and entered the foundation treatment engineering industry.
                Its main business has achieved high-quality development, and multiple major engineering projects have been carried out one after another.
                The company has obtained more than 30 invention patents and practical invention technologies, and has been awarded the title of National High tech Enterprise.
                Sunzo has established subsidiaries in Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Thailand, and Indonesia, utilizing global perspectives and technological advantages to carry out overseas business and expand overseas markets in Southeast Asia
                Scientific management, safe and civilized construction in engineering projects, creating high-quality projects, won honors in many projects, and won the title of exemplary organization and exemplary individual in Safety and Quality Management in 2022



                Construction team

                Industry University Research Cooperation Base

                Industry University Research Cooperation Base

