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                foundation pit treatment

                Foundation Pit Treatment

                In foundation pit engineering, when there are relatively weak soil layers in the site, in order to enhance the stability of the foundation pit support system, control the deformation of the surrounding retaining structure, and create conditions for on-site construction and earthwork excavation, reinforcement of the foundation pit soil is carried out.

                Construction technique

                Foundation Pit Treatment

                Foundation Pit Treatment

                In foundation pit engineering, when there is a relatively weak soil layer in the site, in order to enhance the stability of the foundation pit support system, control the deformation of the surrounding retaining structure, and create conditions for on-site construction and earthwork excavation, the foundation pit soil is reinforced to improve the physical and mechanical properties of the soil, increase the resistance of the passive zone soil, reduce the deformation of the foundation pit support structure, or enhance the stability of the foundation pit, mixing piles, high-pressure rotary jet grouting piles, grouting Design the reinforcement of foundation pit soil based on the geological conditions of the site, deformation control requirements of the surrounding environment, and the method of earthwork excavation using methods such as precipitation.

                View details

                Core competitiveness

                Mastering multiple research and development technologies in one

                Integrating multiple research and development technologies such as environmental protection treatment systems and intelligent control construction, mastering intelligent core construction technologies and breaking foreign monopolies in this field.

                International Construction Technology Innovators

                The strong hydraulic intelligent PVD on water has strong penetration into hard soil layers, and compared to its domestic counterparts, it is more efficient in construction, breaking domestic technical barriers, and has been widely praised by the industry.

                Own construction equipment

                Owning 4 DCM engineering ships
                15 onshore DCM pile drivers
                3 PVD engineering ships
