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                Enterprise news

                Sunzo Invited to Attend the 105th Anniversary Celebration of Malaysia's Selangor And Federal Territory Of Kuala Lumpur Kin Cho Hong

                Release time:Sep 22,2023
                Number of views:
                On September 18, 2023, Liang Yonggen, Chairman of Guangzhou Sunzo Foundation Engineering Co., Ltd., was invited to attend the 105th Anniversary Dinner & The Ist Youth Committee Installation Ceremony.

                Sunzo is invited to attend

                Established in 1918, Malaysia's Persatuan Pembinaan Selangor Dan Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur Selangor And Federal Territory Of Kuala Lumpur Kin Cho Hong has a history of 105 years of development and has a profound influence in the construction society. As the highest representative of the Malaysian Chinese construction industry, it has made significant contributions to Malaysia's economic construction and social development.
                Chairman Cai Hanlong delivers a speech

                As China and Malaysia are increasingly closely linked in the exchange and cooperation of the "the Belt and Road" construction process, Malaysia's Xuelong Construction Bank has organized the "Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area" delegation to Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Zhongshan, Huizhou and other cities for investigation and exchange. We welcome the economic and trade cooperation between Chinese enterprises in Malaysia, as there are multiple investment and development projects in Malaysia, including New Shan, Malacca, Penang, Ipoh, Kuantan, Sabah, Sarawak, and Kuala Lumpur.
                Group photo of 105th anniversary celebration

                Guangzhou Sunzo Foundation Engineering Co., Ltd. focuses on foundation treatment and actively practices the "going out" development strategy. With the goal of high standards and sustainability, it continuously deepens and expands the foundation treatment market in Malaysia. Through this opportunity for docking activities, everyone exchanges and promotes each other, conducts demand docking, seizes opportunities for business negotiations and cooperation, and conducts in-depth exchanges with Malaysian peers, While fully learning from each other, Shengzhou will also introduce its successful experience in high-quality foundation treatment to Malaysia and more the Belt and Road countries to strengthen cooperation between the two sides.


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                Contact Us

                E-mail : sunzo-market1@shengzhounet.com
                Tel : +86 136-0005-0009
                Address : 19-21 Civilization Avenue, Xianchong, Qiaonan Street, Panyu District, Guangzhou City