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                Enterprise news

                Welcome the delegation from the Malaysian state government of Pahang to visit Sunzo

                Release time:Jun 30,2023
                Number of views:
                Recently, a government delegation consisting of Executive Councilor Shen Chunxiang, Special Assistant (International Affairs) Sok Kwok rong, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Guodu Technology Kang Qing, and Director Fu Weihua of Guodu Technology visited Guangzhou Shengzhou Foundation Engineering Co., Ltd. The Chairman, Deputy General Manager, Contract Director, and Project Manager of Shengzhou met with visiting guests.

                At the meeting, Sunzo introduced the company's overview, main business, and development history to the delegation, as well as the engineering projects undertaken in Southeast Asia, Malaysia, and Singapore. The project overview, construction techniques used, and technological advantages were detailed. And it was stated that 2023 coincides with the 10th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Malaysia. The friendship between China and Malaysia has a long history, and the development of bilateral relations has always been at the forefront of regional countries. The two countries have similar concepts, harmonious interests, and cultural exchanges. China has been Malaysia's largest trading partner for over a decade, and Malaysia is also China's largest trading partner in Southeast Asia. Sunzo hopes that under the framework of the "the Belt and Road" initiative, more exchanges and cooperation in engineering construction projects can be promoted.

                Both sides have conducted in-depth exchanges on topics of common concern in the construction of foundations for ports, airports, and docks. Councilor Shen Chunxiang introduced the purpose of this visit, exploring the feasibility of Shengzhou's development in Penhang Oblast, and stated that Kuantan Port in Penhang Oblast, Malaysia is the largest port in the east coast region of Malaysia. In the future, there will be plans for port expansion and large-scale commercial complex development. The underground soil layer of the project is mostly soft soil foundation, and there is a lack of capable and technical foundation treatment construction companies in the local area. We hope to have this exchange, Can facilitate in-depth communication and cooperation between both parties in port project development and foundation construction.

                After a pleasant and relaxed exchange and discussion, the delegation from Pengheng State Government visited Sunzo Company and had a dinner at Sunzo Restaurant.

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                E-mail : sunzo-market1@shengzhounet.com
                Tel : +86 136-0005-0009
                Address : 19-21 Civilization Avenue, Xianchong, Qiaonan Street, Panyu District, Guangzhou City