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                Project updates

                The company's project department actively organizes and participates in safety emergency drills

                Release time:Oct 24,2023
                Number of views:
                The company's project department actively organizes and participates in safety emergency drills
                In order to implement the safety production management policy of "safety first, prevention first, and comprehensive management", the project department organized a construction site safety emergency drill activity with the theme of "eliminating accident hazards and building a strong safety defense line". The owner unit, construction unit, general contracting unit, supervision unit, all project employees, and other participating units jointly participated in the drill.
                The construction site of the project is close to the coast, with a rainy summer climate and the impact of typhoons during the rainy season each year. Based on the actual situation of the site, the exercise activities simulate that the construction site is about to be hit by a Category 12 typhoon. The construction safety response measures of the construction party are how to quickly respond and implement the three prevention plan.
                The drill has improved the emergency rescue capabilities of project management personnel and teams for construction safety, strengthened cooperation among emergency rescue teams, and enabled quick and effective organization of emergency rescue in case of construction safety emergencies, achieving safe production.