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                Project updates

                Start working! The foundation treatment project of the general berth wharf project in Jishu District, Hailing Bay Port Area, Yangjiang Port

                Release time:Apr 26,2023
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                Recently, with the completion of site leveling work, Shengzhou Company's plug-in board machine laid the first plastic drainage board, marking the official entry of the foundation treatment construction phase for the Jishu Operation Area 5 # -7 # General Berth Wharf Project in the Hailing Bay Port Area of Yangjiang Port.
                Figure | Setting up plastic drainage boards
                Guangzhou Sunzo Foundation Engineering Co., Ltd. is responsible for the construction of foundation treatment works for the 5 # -7 # General Berth Wharf Project in Jishu Operation Area, Hailing Bay Port Area, Yangjiang Port, undertaken by CCCC Fourth Harbor Engineering Bureau. It is another benchmark project built by Shengzhou Company in Yangjiang market after the Yangjiang LNG peak shaving gas storage project.
                Figure | Project Construction Site
                The soft foundation treatment adopts the construction process of cement mixing pile+pile preloading, which is divided into the mixing pile area+pile preloading area and the clay mixing pile outside the preloading area. The pile length of each area varies according to the geological conditions of the area. At present, the construction progress is smooth, and the project has completed the preparation work for site leveling, entering the process of laying drainage boards for soft foundation treatment.
                Figure | Drainage board inspection
                According to the on-site person in charge, during the construction process of the plug-in board machine, a list of management responsibility areas for the pile machine was created, and the pile machine was numbered and personnel were organized. A dedicated person was responsible for supervision and strict implementation of construction equipment management specifications and standard construction requirements to ensure the effective progress of the project. To ensure the construction quality of the plastic drainage board, the plastic drainage board adopts a fiber optic depth measuring drainage board, which is connected to a measuring instrument through a depth measuring fiber optic cable for depth measurement. The measurement accuracy is high, ensuring the depth of the drainage board.
                Figure | Project leader inspecting the progress of the project
                The general wharf project of 5 # -7 # berths in Jishu Operation Area of Hailingwan Port Area, Yangjiang Port, mainly includes the construction of one 10000 ton general berth (5 # berth), two 50000 ton general berths (6 # -7 # berth) and its supporting facilities, such as the rear land pushyard. The structures of the three berths are designed as 100000 ton Bulk carrier, and will be constructed in two stages. The construction period of the whole project is expected to be two years.
                Figure | Jishu District, Yangjiang Port
                After the completion of the project, it will become the largest wharf in Yangjiang Port Area, significantly improve the core competitiveness of the coastal industry and the berthing capacity of the wharf in Yangjiang City, help improve the bulk cargo operation capacity of the entire Yangjiang Port Area, optimize the regional cargo collection and distribution structure, meet the growing demand for hinterland transportation, better serve the development of hinterland industries, drive the development of regional industries, and adapt to the future port development strategy, Create new economic growth points in the region. At the same time, it will further reduce the logistics transportation cost of Yangjiang port, which will strongly promote the "acceleration" of Yangjiang's export-oriented economic development, and achieve the goal of a 100 million ton port.
                Source: Guangzhou Sunzo Foundation Engineering Co., Ltd
                Sunzo is a construction contracting service provider for soft foundation treatment projects that integrates scientific research, survey, design, and construction. It is a high-tech enterprise in Guangzhou. Welcome to contact us for construction plans and quotations of 13600050009