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                Foundation treatment

                Soft Foundation Treatment Project at the Hengqin New Campus of the University of Macau, Zhuhai

                Release time:Apr 20,2023
                Number of views:
                Soft Foundation Treatment Project at the Hengqin New Campus of the University of Macau, Zhuhai


                Engineering Introduction

                Project Name: Soft Foundation Treatment Engineering for Section B/C/D of Zhuhai University of Macau
                Project location: Zhuhai, Guangdong&Hong Kong
                Construction method: plastic drainage board+vacuum preloading using water vapor separation method; Gravel pile
                Construction time
                Start date: April 2010
                Completion date: October 2011
                Construction unit: Guangzhou Sunzo Foundation Engineering Co., Ltd

                The soft foundation treatment project at the Hengqin Campus of the University of Macau in Zhuhai adopts the water air separation vacuum preloading method and fully adopts an automatic control system, achieving the goal of controllable construction and precise management. In this project, only one cable needs to be laid for each soft foundation treatment zone, and only one electric control box needs to be installed, avoiding the traditional vacuum preloading cable line like a spider web, which is safe and controllable. Traditional vacuum preloading involves mixing water and air for extraction, which requires a large amount of electricity to extract gas during vacuum extraction, consuming vacuum and wasting efficiency. The effective efficiency of jet vacuum pumps is only about 20%. The water and gas separator developed by Shengzhou (patent number: 2013104813139) performs vacuum preloading, separating the extraction and drainage to prevent the water and gas mixture from damaging the vacuum environment in the vacuum negative pressure chamber, without loss of vacuum stress or dissipation of efficiency. Its efficiency is 2.5 times that of traditional methods, reducing power costs and greatly achieving energy conservation and environmental protection