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                Foundation treatment

                Dongguan Xiegang general aviation Manufacturing and Supply Chain Project Foundation Treatment Project

                Release time:Apr 26,2023
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                Dongguan Xiegang general aviation Manufacturing and Supply Chain Project Foundation Treatment Project


                Project Introduction
                Project name: Dongguan Xiegang general aviation Manufacturing and Supply Chain Project
                Project location: Xiegang Town, Dongguan City
                Construction unit: General contractor: Shanghai Baoye Group, subcontractor: Guangzhou Shengzhou Foundation Engineering Co., Ltd
                Construction time
                Start date: October 2022
                Completion time: April 2023
                detailed information
                Xiegang general aviation Manufacturing and Supply Chain Project (hereinafter referred to as "Xiegang Aviation Project") is jointly invested by Songlan Investment Group and Hong Kong Chaoran Aviation Manufacturing Co., Ltd. The total investment of this project is 520 million US dollars, with a total area of approximately 172.65 acres. The project has been included in the city's major projects in 2022. In the future, it can take orders from overseas airlines for complete aircraft, which will fill the gap in the production of high-end general aviation complete aircraft in Dongguan. It has great industrial chain value, can effectively drive the fixed assets investment in Xiegang Town, and drive the high-end equipment manufacturing industry in Xiegang Town to accelerate the cluster development.
                Construction methods
                Xiegang Aviation Project is located in the soft soil and local underlying layer of the fishpond. It is muddy soil. The soft soil is saturated and flow plastic. It has special properties such as low foundation bearing capacity, high water content, large void ratio, poor permeability, low strength, high compressibility, high sensitivity, etc. The foundation needs to be reinforced. After investigation and research by Shengzhou Company, the vacuum preloading method is used for treatment. The land area is 116168 square meters, and the preloading treatment area is 92168 square meters (deducting the mixing plant area of about 24000 square meters). According to geological conditions such as geological distribution, the soft foundation is divided into three blocks for treatment. The full load preloading treatment time is set to be about 130 days.
                economic performance
                Guangzhou Shengzhou Foundation Engineering Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise that integrates research, design, and construction. It has been an old brand of soft foundation treatment for 20 years and has multiple subsidiaries in coastal areas, Hong Kong, Macao, and Southeast Asia. It is a leading domestic construction unit for soft foundation treatment projects. The patented technology "NS vacuum preloading method" developed by the company has the advantages of short construction period (saving 30%), low cost (saving 30%), safety and environmental protection (no damage or emissions) in soft foundation treatment, We are committed to providing comprehensive solutions for soft foundation treatment construction such as sea reclamation, port and dock construction, airport bridges, and municipal construction.
                One fast: 30% reduction in construction period, Shengzhou's unique global leader
                Traditional soft foundation treatment methods such as preloading and vacuum preloading have become mature and reliable, but there are problems with slow construction, high cost, and environmental protection. Shengzhou innovates and upgrades traditional construction methods in practice, taking the lead in launching the globally unique patented technology for soft foundation treatment - NS vacuum preloading method, which has received high praise from the industry.
                Two provinces: 30% cost savings, comprehensive technology upgrade
                NS vacuum preloading method is a revolutionary upgrade of traditional vacuum method, with an effective processing depth of up to 40 meters and more reliable quality. No need for drainage hourglass, cost savings of 30%, stronger drainage system, fast construction speed, and 30% reduction in construction period
                Three environmental protection: non-destructive and emission free, with a wide range of applications and green environmental protection
                The NS vacuum preloading method is suitable for vast areas with complex geological conditions, especially for the reinforcement effect of soft soil. The construction process has no construction waste, does not damage the geological structure, does not affect the surrounding environment, is green and environmentally friendly, and has significant advantages.