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                Foundation treatment

                Phase I pile foundation project of Guangzhou Huangpu semiconductor packaging substrate manufacturing project

                Release time:Apr 26,2023
                Number of views:
                Phase I pile foundation project of Guangzhou Huangpu semiconductor packaging substrate manufacturing project


                Phase I pile foundation project of Guangzhou Huangpu semiconductor packaging substrate manufacturing project
                Guangzhou Sunzo Foundation Engineering Co., Ltd. is responsible for the factory prefabrication pile foundation of the project.
                Phase I pile foundation Project of Guangzhou Huangpu Semiconductor Packaging Base Plate Manufacturing Project covers an area of about 140000 square meters, with a total investment of about 5.8 billion yuan. It will build packaging base plate production plants and supporting facilities. After the project is completed and put into operation, it will further promote the agglomeration and development of the integrated circuit industry in Guangzhou Development Zone, gradually achieve localization substitution, and solve the bottleneck technology and product problems in the field of high-end chip packaging materials.